Wednesday, January 23, 2008
My response to Dr. Golab of the AVMA on her pro-slaughter stance regarding The American Horse Slaughter Protection Amendment
You'll find Dr. Golab's email at the bottom of the post and my response just below here.
Dr. Golab,
Despite your words to the contrary, it is very clear that the AVMA’s focus on the AHSPA is to insure the continuation of horse slaughter in America.
I would like to remind everyone of the language in the Veterinarian’s Oath:
The Veterinarian’s Oath:
"Being admitted to the profession of veterinary medicine, I solemnly swear to use my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society through the protection of animal health, the relief of animal suffering, the conservation of animal resources, the promotion of public health, and the advancement of medical knowledge.
"I will practice my profession conscientiously, with dignity, and in keeping with the principles of veterinary medical ethics.
"I accept as a lifelong obligation the continual improvement of my professional knowledge and competence." (end of oath)
I think is safe to say the slaughter process is terrifying and inhumane for the horses. We’ve all seen the videos. The horses suffer a great deal throughout the process. It’s certainly contrary to the Oath to perpetuate the suffering of animals, but by opposing the ban on slaughter, that is exactly what the AVMA are doing.
The AVMA should, in all reality be at the forefront of supporters for the ban of horse slaughter. They should be working to find alternative, humane solutions for the equines currently termed “un-wanted.” They could be offering reasonably priced euthanasia clinics and education to backyard breeders. The AVMA should be working to “relieve suffering,” not to support it!
Instead, Washington insiders inform us that the AVMA is being funded by certain agriculture lobbying groups with very deep pockets. Just recently, Senator Larry Craig was (allegedly) given $9000K to go before the Senate to put a hold on S311 (AHSPA). The Senator’s career is essentially over and was before he placed the hold on S 311. Apparently the cash cushions the fall.
One also has to question how many equine vets actually are members of the AVMA. The AVMA is an organization that is voluntary to join. Obviously, there are many more small animal vets in the US the large animal vets. My own vet - incredible with cats and dogs - admits to being uncomfortable around horses. It would be very interesting to know what percentage of the AVMA members are large animal vets, and what percentage of the entire large animal vet population are members of the AVMA. Is the AVMA really representative of equine veterinarians across our nation?
The AVMA and other pro-slaughter proponents are also fortunate that the economy is in a downturn and much of the country has suffered from drought. It was driven the cost of feeding horses way up. Because of mad cow disease, horse meat is a premium in Belgium. The Cattleman’s Association receives money for each horse slaughtered on American soil. The AVMA works hand in glove with the Cattleman’s you begin to see the association between the AVMA and their pro-slaughter stance? It’s far more profitable to kill them here, in the US, thus the USDA is suddenly very concerned about horses being transported out of the US.
The reality is that I am on the front lines. I volunteer weekly at a rescue full of “unwanted” horses. I have attended the auction at New Holland Pennsylvania and seen the killer buyers picking them by the pound. The horses at New Holland, Sugarcreek, Shipshewana and Fallon and the like are very much “wanted” horses. The kill buyers are there weekly filling their trucks with the heaviest, healthiest, meatiest horses they can find. I have the benefit of working each week with horses pulled from the slaughterhouse lines. These horses are not mean, old or dangerous. Many need some time off from a work or racing related injury. I am astounded by how much trust these creatures still have when they arrive at the rescue after the grueling trip to the auction or feedlot. These horses are rehabbed, in some cases retrained, rehomed and given a new career. Often they become the apple of a little girls eye or a therapy horse working with autistic children. Some go on to rewarding show careers and some become pasture pets. The allegations that the vast majority of these horses are “problem” horses is nothing less than bunk.
It is interesting to me to hear the USDA say even if the ban on slaughter is passed, the horses will still be transported across the border, simply with a different stated purpose than slaughter. That can and will certainly happen in some instances. Of course meth is made is some rural kitchens and we know that’s not easily eradicated. Do we throw up our hands and say, well, we can only stop some of it, so why bother trying? There are also differing tariff costs depending on what the animal entering the country is going to be used for. It is significantly more expensive to transport a horse into a foreign country for a horse show than it is to bring in horses for slaughter. The difference in tariff costs, the cost of transportation and other factors will dictate how hard the kill buyers will work to get around the system.
Additionally, according to the USDA, in 2006 138,000 American horses were slaughtered for human consumption in either Mexico, Canada or the US. The same stats show that 33,000 less American horses were slaughtered in 2007. Despite allegations by pro-slaughter proponents, reports of horses being abandoned in the streets have been exaggerated, if not down right invented.
Dr. Cordes, of the USDA, says "One of the most daunting things about all of this is, once a horse crosses the border, it is no longer a U.S. horse. It becomes a Mexican horse. It loses its identity, it loses its citizenship, it loses its ownership."
Doesn’t that alone as a Veterinarian upset the AVMA members?
This is the most perplexing statement of all:
He goes on to say "It's really a matter of supply and demand. These horses are going to go across the border, one way or another," Dr. Cordes said, adding that the $5 million allocated in the horse slaughter prevention legislation for enforcement purposes isn't adequate to secure the borders. "It doesn't even come close," he said.
(Does that mean that horses and everything else passes freely across our borders without inspection daily? How frightening...)
Make no mistake about it – the AVMA is not concerned with the welfare of horses. They are once again paying homage to the almighty dollar.
It’s akin to saying we won’t fight terrorism because we can’t stop it all. It simply defies reason. We can’t end all crime; we can’t end all humanity. We can’t make the AVMA prevent the suffering of horses. But we can sure as hell try.
From Dr. Golab:
Thank you for your contact regarding the AVMA's position on the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act.
The AVMA's focus in opposing the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act has nothing to with support for horse slaughter or the plants associated with that business. It has everything to do with ensuring the welfare of horses. The American Horse Slaugher Prevention Act is a well-intentioned, but sadly misconceived bill. Having said this, the proponents of the AHSPA are definitely having an effect. Unfortunately, it's an extremely negative one for the welfare of horses.
The efforts of pro-AHSPA advocates have been effective in removing slaughter in the US as an option for unwanted horses. Has this stopped the slaughter of American horses for human consumption? NO, definitely not.
What has been the result is that, according to the USDA Market News Service (Las Cruces, NM), 1687 horses have been transported across the US border and into Mexico from January 1 through January 17, 2008. During the same time period last year, 653 horses were transported into Mexico for slaughter—an increase of 158%. Similarly, the number of horses transported to Mexico for ‘breeding purposes’ during this was 216, compared to 8 horses in 2007. Overall, 1961 horses have been transported across the border and into Mexico during the first three weeks of 2008, compared to 706 horses during the same time period in 2007—an increase of 178%. Back in September of 2007, when we compared 2006 to 2007 equine transport for Mexican slaughter figures, we saw a one-year increase in 2007 of 486%!
This number of horses obstentively transported for slaughter will decrease if the AHSPA passes, but ONLY because transporters will identify another purpose as their reason for transporting horses across the border. This may already be happening, based on the marked increase in the number of horses transported for declared reasons other than slaughter. Transporters could claim that horses are being transported for sale as riding, working, or pleasure horses, only to cross the border and sell them for slaughter. Catching violators and enforcing the act would be nearly impossible. Transport of horses to slaughter within the United States is regulated, as is the slaughter process itself, but regulatory authority ends when horses cross the border into another country. They may be loaded in large numbers on trailers, transported longer distances, deprived of food or water, and killed using inhumane methods. Passage of the AHSPA will prevent horses from being slaughtered in the US, under regulatory controls; it will NOT stop American horses from being slaughtered outside of the US without benefit of such regulatory oversight.
To see the USDA’s statistics on the number of horses exported to Mexico, go to Interestingly, when the 2001 final rule on the commercial transportation of equines to slaughter was published in the Federal Register, the USDA stated in its supplementary information a concern that closure of United States horse slaughter facilities would lead to a situation in which horses intended for slaughter “will be trucked to feedlots in Canada or Mexico, ostensibly as saddle horses, then go to slaughter. If that happens, we will have no jurisdiction over those movements because our statutory authority to regulate is limited to the commercial transport of horses to slaughter and to movements to slaughter within the United States.” Based on current information, this concern has become a real crisis. To read the 2001 final rule and its background information, go to
Unfortunately the organizations whose information you have provided below have continued to misrepresent the AVMA and its approach to this issue, despite the AVMA's repeated requests that such misinformation be corrected. As an example, the statement: "Documents held by the AWI show that the AVMA is part of a coalition founded by the companies that own the defunct domestic slaughterhouses..." which appears below is inaccurate. In fact, the Horse Welfare Coalition (HWC) was formed in 2004 by the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP), American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA), the AVMA, and the Animal Welfare Council, not by the slaughter plants. Although the slaughter plants offered funding to the HWC, it was specifically declined because the concern of the HWC was the welfare of horses, not the fate of the slaughter plants. The HWC stopped meeting in mid- to late-2006. The Web site,, was initiated and maintained by the slaughter plants. The HWC granted the website permission to post related issue briefs, but did not fund, support, or otherwise contribute to the website. Currently, the website is being maintained by a lobbying group hired by the slaughter industry, and the AVMA does not and never has contributed to or provided funding for its maintenance.
For accurate information about the AVMA's position on the AHSPA and its efforts directed toward addressing the problem of unwanted horses, please visit: and the Unwanted horse Coalition Website at: .
For accurate answers to questions regarding the AVMA and its relationship to the HSVMA, please visit:
Gail C. Golab, PhD, DVM
Director, Animal Welfare Division
American Veterinary Medical Association
Monday, January 7, 2008
True American Horse Enthusiasts Call Out the Pro-Slaughter American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA)
John Holland's voice of reason one again points out the many forces lobbying to keep American horses available for slaughter for overseas human consumption.
More American Quarter Horses go to slaughter than any other breed. As a responsible association, or breeder, wouldn't you want to protect the lives you bring into the world?
From John Holland:
Hi Folks,
It is a new year and us old timers have all had about enough of the status quo. We have decided that we need to take our growing strength and go onto the offensive. This is an invitation to join us!
By now you all know the tactics of our adversaries. They set up phony "welfare" organizations and use the offices of organizations like the AVMA and the AQHA to project an agenda that has no motivation but greed. Since their position has no morally acceptable justification, they simply create one.
Most recently they are getting third rate reporters to pump out completely fabricated stories like the ones about horses being abandoned around the country. Having produced this documentary "proof", they trolled the darkest recesses of the bowels of congress to find someone who would have no problem with propagating their poison. The most recent denizen to emerge to their beckoning calls was Senator Larry Craig, a man who's career set new and impossibly low standards for hypocrisy and dishonesty. Then they shoved into his well greased palm a wad of these phony stories and sent him out to stain the Senate floor with his "consent objection" based on stories so rank that no self respecting dead fish would be found wrapped in them.
Playing defense in this game has no upside for us, it is merely damage control. We must be ready to counter this detritus, but that alone is not enough. We need to make these organizations pay for their hypocrisy and deceit. To do this, we must take the battle to them on ground they think safe. We will be doing this in several ways, and the alert below is the first. Please read it and help us put a kink in the shorts of the AQHA by exposing their true nature where they least want it seen. We will do the same with the AVMA. When we are done, no veterinarian will want the AVMA decal to deface his or her door.
None of this will change our ongoing work on Congress. That has become a well oiled machine. It is simply a matter of making these organizations realize they will find us pulling back the covers in everything they do. The AQHA is very excited about their upcoming program. Let's crash their party and pour some truth into their punch bowl.
I hope you will join us and Happy New Year!
John Holland
* *
As many of you already know, the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) is one of the main suppliers to and supporters of the horse slaughter industry and one of the main opponents to the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act (AHSPA).
The American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act (AHSPA), currently pending before the US Congress, will ban the movement, possession transportation of
Were it not for a few organizations and individuals such as the AQHA and their ally disgraced Senator Larry Craig (R-ID) blocking the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act, it would have been signed into law several years ago, saving tens of thousands of horses from a very cruel and unnecessary death.
It has come to our attention that on
*Please, contact NBC local affiliate KFOR as well the station’s headquarters in New York asking them to not televise AQHA’s World Championship Show next January 12th due to the organization’s stance actively supporting the slaughter of America’s horses through their lobbying activities in Congress.*
Tell them about AQHA's underhanded tactics to deny the overwhelming majority of Americans due process on a bill necessary to stop the cruel and extremely inhumane transport and slaughter of our horses across the borders in Canada and Mexico. Indicate you will reconsider viewing NBC shows unless they refuse to broadcast this event. Tell them that televising an AQHA event is to condone horse slaughter.
Some talking points you may include in your calls and mails include:
* Tens of thousands of American horses are slaughtered and
transported to slaughter to Canada and Mexico under appalling
conditions, including the stabbing and slaughter of conscious
animals, by the very same horse slaughtering corporations that
were operating until recently within the US.
* While AQHA argues it opposes the AHSPA because there is a
so-called 'unwanted horse problem' it is the main producer of
foals in the
year- and is actively promoting the mass breeding of more foals.
This irresponsible breeding program rewards the bottom feeders of
the horse industry such as killer buyers and assorted auction
* AQHA’s stance is not based on factual, historical or statistical
evidence but rather on conveniently manipulated and distorted
information to support a presumed “need for slaughter” and denying
all the evidences proving the cruelty and atrocities going on in
the Canadian and Mexican horse slaughter plants.
* The AQHA is more concerned about protecting the hefty profits
obtained by certain mass breeders through slaughter and keeping
pace with several anti-animal agribusiness lobby groups that have
nothing to do with the horse industry than protecting those of the
very same horses they claim to represent and the overwhelming
majority of Quarter Horse owners and breeders.
* Through its irrational opposition and its underhanded tactics AQHA
is disenfranchising the overwhelming majority of Americans who are
opposed to horse slaughter, disregarding all the democratic
principles in which
When calling make sure you ask the operator to pass your call to the comments line and then start off asking NBC to not televise AQHA’s World Championship Show and quickly point out some of the arguments indicated above since time on the comments line may be limited. Also, when calling local affiliate KFOR as the receptionist to pass your call to Christy Jones.
Also, please forward this alert to all your contacts, from family members to work partners, asking them to take part on it and help putting an end to the slaughter of
For more information contact:
Anne Russek
Director of Media Relations
Virginia Equine Council
Station and Department Phone Email address
KFOR 405-424-4444
NBC program comments line 212-664-4444
Help end their suffering! Be the voice for those with no voice. Tell Congress vote yes to HR. 503 and S. 311, American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act.
About Me
The face of death

#396, A kind, gentle Thoroughbred
All that is left

I will never forget him...I promise. I am so sorry, #396...I don't even have a name for you...

Why would you take my life? Am I a food source animal?