The Canadian Recommended Code of Practice for Care and Handling of Farm Animals:
Transportation of Horses is not enforced, horses not properly stunned before slaughter, etc...
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In June 2008, the Canadian Horse Defence Coalition (CHDC) released a second investigative report on horse slaughter practices at Natural Valley Farms (NVF) in Saskatchewan. This report proved conclusively that horses experienced cruel abuse and suffering throughout the slaughter process there. NVF went into receivership soon afterwards, but the plant continued to operate as Natural Meat Co. (NMC). In December ‘08, NMC was ordered by the CFIA to cease operations due to food safety concerns. Operators of the plant decided to walk away and closed the plant in February ‘09. However, every week there remains over 2,000 horses that will meet their awful fate in Canadian slaughterhouses. The number jumped to nearly 113,000 horses in 2008, a 225% increase over 2006. The number of slaughter plants has grown from 3 to 6 since that time. About half of the horses are exported from the U.S., where slaughter plants have closed, but exports still continue. Horse slaughter has been in Canada for years, but the increase new is a result of the 2007 closure of the last U.S. plant. U.S. citizens fought hard to close the industry. However, until H.R. Bill 503 is passed, horses will continue to be exported to Canada and Mexico. A market for horse meat for human consumption exists in Europe and Asia. However, the majority of Canadians do not support it and an Ipsos-Reid poll reveals that 64% do not believe in killing horses for human consumption. The CHDC asks Canadians and Americans to contact Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency – the federal agencies responsible for the business of horse slaughter in Canada.
Speak out for the horses. Tell them why it is wrong and demand that horse slaughter end! These agencies are directed by:
Hon. Gerry Ritz
Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food
613 Confederation Bldg., House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
Tel: 613-995-7080; Fax: 613-996-8472
Ms. Carole Swan, President
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
59 Camelot Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0Y9
Tel: 613-221-3737; Fax: 613-228-6608
Dr. Brian Evans, Chief Veterinary Officer of Canada
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
59 Camelot Drive, Floor 1, East Room 100
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0Y9
Tel: 613-221-4191; Fax 613-228-6608
Horses have not traditionally been raised for human consumption in Canada. In our country, horses are considered sport and companion animals. Many Canadians believe that this industry must be abolished on humane grounds. 64% of Canadians do not support it.
• There are now 6 federally licensed horse slaughter plants in Canada (3 more than in 2006).
• Horses are shipped in crowded trailers over long distances, and often arrive injured, sometimes fatally.
• The CHDC has compelling evidence of horse abuse and suffering as a result of rough handling and poor slaughter practices at horse slaughter plants.
• Dr. Nicholas H. Dodman, of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists and Member of the Leadership Council of the Humane Society Veterinary Medica Association, said of our June ’08 report: “horses experienced sheer terror”, “some horses were not properly stunned”, and “this practice should be banned”.
• The Federal Health of Animals Act is not enforced, which would protect sick, pregnant and unfit horses, and prohibit overcrowding.
• The Recommended Code of Practice for Care and Handling of Farm Animals: Transportation of Horses is not enforced.
• The CFIA does not enforce their own weak rules that slaughter bound horses must not be transported for longer than 36 hours straight and must be provide with feed, water and rest at required intervals. Double decker trailers are still allowed.
• The horse slaughter process itself is not humane euthanasia.
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